A functional sculpture to transport your trading card decks
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Towering Foes has been funded!
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 04:46:53 PM
Congratulations backers! We are fully funded!
Thanks to you we get to start making these dice towers, and we can start talking stretch goals! The first stretch goal coming up is Bronze Cold-Cast versions of our towers and trays! This finish add on will be available for all unpainted pledge levels for a small additional cost.
Here's a preview of some of our upcoming stretch goals!
If you'd like to hit these stretch goals, make sure to share the project with your friends or on your social media! Just hit the share button at the top of the Kickstarter page.
Thank you all so so much!
All our love;
Kara and Dani
Towering Foes: Artisan Dice Towers is LIVE
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 10:53:48 AM
Come check out the latest project from Unnatural 20 Art! We've been working on this for over a year now and are finally ready to launch on Kickstarter.
Early Bird Specials TODAY ONLY! Get a steep discount by backing on day 1, and support your favorite nerd artists <3
Monstrous Dice Towers Incoming
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 06:41:00 PM
Greetings travelers!
We here at Unnatural 20 Art have been hard at work on something new: Dice Towers!
We’ll be running a Kickstarter starting November 30th with some of the coolest functional art we’ve created yet. Four different designs, dice trays, and even STL files!
We have some amazing Early Bird Specials on launch day, so be sure to hit the Notify Me on Launch button HERE
Boxes are shipped! A new Foe approaches...
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 09:16:26 PM
We have wrapped up this Kickstarter! We've been painting and boxing up Mimics for the last few months and they're finally out the door! Y'all should have tracking info in your inbox from Backerkit (make sure to check your spam folders!). Keep in mind we're still seeing delays from USPS, so patience on the shipping front would be much appreciated. If you haven't received a tracking email (or are still missing STL files) please reach out and we'll get it sorted.
Thank you all so much for your support, it was an absolute pleasure making these little monsters for y'all. Make sure to tag us @unnatural20art, we love seeing our artwork in the wild!
If you like our work, scroll down for our next offering:
We have a new Kickstarter project coming: Towering Foes: Artisan Dice Towers! We've been working on these for almost a year now, and now they're ready to be released to the wild! Make sure to hit the "Notify Me on Launch" button, we've got more STL files available as well as some amazing *Early Bird Specials* you won't want to miss out on.
Updated files, Progress Update
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 02:07:23 PM
Greetings Backers!
Thanks to the extreme kindness of project backer Play Forge, we have updated files to offer! These should slice a lot easier and be much smaller to download, without any loss in detail. If you were struggling to get the files to load and / or print properly, these V2 versions should work a lot better for you. Thanks so much to Play Forge for getting them repaired! Please check out their Patreon and Youtube Channel and show them some love <3.
We've also added a pdf painting tutorial, edited by backer Paul Goss from one of our Twitch streams! You can find that in the MyMiniFactory collection.
The painted boxes are 2/3rds of the way completed, and we should be sending out the unpainted boxes by the end of the month.
We have a new project in the works coming soon, make sure to check out out Twitch channel for some sneak peeks at the upcoming offerings (DICE TOWERS!!!)